Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Ugly Folks’ at Minnesota Rally

by Anthony Gockowski


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden referred to a large group of pro-Trump counter protesters as “ugly folks” during a rally Friday evening in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.

“Dr. Fauci called for a mask mandate last week. This isn’t a political statement like those ugly folks over there beeping the horns,” said Biden, who has been running on a platform of unifying the country.

He was referring to a crowd of pro-Trump protesters who congregated outside a parking lot at the State Fairgrounds where the event was held.

Roughly 200 Trump supporters showed up at the State Fairgrounds to protest Biden in response to a call put out by Senate candidate Jason Lewis, who was infuriated with state leaders for pressuring the Trump campaign into limiting attendance to 250 people at the president’s Friday night Rochester rally.

The former vice president referenced the counter protesters at various points throughout his speech.

“These guys are not very polite. They’re like Trump,” he said.

“Now look, there’s a reason they don’t want to hear me because they know the president doesn’t say anything so they’re used to not hearing anything,” Biden said later in his speech.

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Anthony Gockowski is Editor-in-Chief of Alpha News. He previously worked as an editor for The Minnesota Sun and Campus Reform, and reported for The Daily Caller.
Photo “Joe Biden Minnesota Speech” by Joe Biden.








Reprinted with permission from

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2 Thoughts to “Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Ugly Folks’ at Minnesota Rally”

  1. Ron Welch

    Biden is campaigning as an angry authoritarian, shouting and slurring words advocating mandates, bans and lockdowns. He tells us to look forward to a “long dark winter”. He threatens to criminalize and stack the rights of peacable, law-abiding gun owners, “we’re coming for you!” Biden accused Trump in the first debate of being a racist, but condescendingly and angrily tells a black American interviewer, “if you don’t vote me, you ain’t black!” Leftist political guru, Saul Alinsky counsels, “accuse others of what you do”, which Biden mindlessly follows.

  2. mikey whipwreck

    ‘old man yells at cloud’
